Saturday 28 January 2012

Sand Putty & Paint - some more...

John puttied the Shepherd screw holes, George and Jim carried out some final sanding of the frames and rails while Chris tacked the skiff and readied it for it's first coat of primer.

tacky, tacky, tacky...
sand, sand, sand...

George removed the last of the Sikaflex from where someone had sandwiched plywood on the transom.

scrape, scrape, scrape
fill, fill, fill...

then everybody got painting, Chris on the skiff and the rest on the Shepherd. Feels like a huge step ahead once finishes begin to go on. Although on the Shepherd we will be back into gooping and scraping to ready the original planks for re-installation. The plan is to re-set all the inner and outer planks to their original spacing of one popsicle stick width appart. We suspect this will mean that the last plank on will be a new one to make up for the 50 years of accumulated shrinkage - we'll see!

First coat done!
over and under

A really great day to leave the shop with finishes done and drying. Lots of participation all week and two projects really moved ahead. We reviewed the pros and cons of staining the cedar dinghy to mask the years of wear and tear on the outer hull. Cedar looks so lovely with clear varnish on the bare wood but this girl had been bumped around, original finish half scraped off then painted green and that half scraped off - it looked really dubious to bring it back. We decided to mask off a rectangel and apply 4 or 5 coats of varnish to see if the stains and scrapes mute out enough to live with....

first coat - marks do jump out!
Michealanglo and the Cisteen keel?

See you next week at the Kids & Classics Boatshop!

1 comment:

  1. Did I hear about a holiday that BURNS BOATS!
    We do have a fire pit.....
